Sheryl is an American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos). She was admitted for rehabilitation in 2018 when she was a fledgling; she had been hit by a vehicle and had a fractured radius and ulna in her left wing. The bones healed and are stable, but she has reduced range of motion in the wing and doesn’t have sufficient flight ability to return to the wild.
Sheryl, like all members of the Corvid family, is extremely intelligent. We provide her with frequent enrichment opportunities to keep her brain and body engaged. Enrichment for Sheryl includes puzzle feeders (meant for dogs), a variety of branches and other types of browse, food enrichment (live insects, bits of rodent and chick, eggs, fruits, nuts, seeds, pellets, fish, and more), and plenty of perches and places throughout her enclosure to cache (or hide) items. Providing her with enrichment is enriching for our volunteers and staff, as well! For more information: |
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